Why Infination?
Infination based on words, ‘Infinite’ and ‘Nation’
Infinite : Unlimited
Nation : Indonesia
Unlimited in here is dedicated to creativity and
creative resources, which means creativity and
creative resources has no limit and Indonesia have
a lot potential in creative industry.
So Infination is a process to develop creative
industry in Indonesia being Global.
Main Campaign - Game Monopoly

How to play the game monopoly creative industries in Indonesia are :
This game is played by several people using a pawn, the game will start when a player has rolled the dice and the dice will produce numbers. The numbers of dice that will determine how many steps on the run. If a pawn stop in one of the 16 sub-sectors of the creative industries, will get an information about the sector. From the game, players will get some information and education of creative industry in Indonesia. So that people will be entertained with a unique way to get this information and more interested in getting awareness of the creative industries in Indonesia. So that the target audience was satisfied after doing this game.
- With a motion graphic video of the creative industries, we can inform and educate creative industries in Indonesia into Global via Youtube.
- With the game monopoly 16 sub-sectors of the creative industries in Indonesia, will make people more interested to try the game via online media.
- Will be a redirect strategy on website. Redirect strategies to be applied is logo of Infination will be on the website of BEKRAF ( www.bekraf.go.id ), And then when click this logo of Infination, will be open a new page of Infination website ( www.infination.id ).
- With promotional materials from the creative industries, will make people interested and looking out of a campaign of Infination
Post Campaign
The outcome of this game, people not only get information about the creative industries. but they are also comforted by the information that uniquely through the game. The target audience is satisfied will share the creative industry in Indonesia through social media, and indirectly it will be a viral campaign on global.
Desired Result
The outcome of this game, people not only get information about the creative industries. but they are also comforted by the information that uniquely through the game. The target audience is satisfied will share the creative industry in Indonesia through social media, and indirectly it will be a viral campaign on global.
Alhamdulillah, I and Kurnia Adi get bronze of BG Award Citra Pariwara 2016

More info: http://www.citrapariwara.org/penghargaan/bg?slug=infination
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